Webster County Health Dept. To Hold Covid-19 Booster Clinic Wednesday

Individuals that have an immune compromised health condition, may now schedule a COVID-19 booster shot.  Webster County Health Department (WCHD) will begin providing booster shots on Wednesday, August 18th in a mass drive-thru clinic. Moderna boosters will be available from 11:30 am-3 pm while Pfizer boosters will be available from 4-8 pm. You must receive the same brand booster as your first and second doses. All individuals requesting boosters must have received their second vaccine at least 28 days prior.


Booster shots are by appointment only and can be scheduled by calling 515-573-4107 or online at WebsterCountyIA.gov. Appointments will be scheduled until 9 am on Wednesday or until filled. This is a booster only clinic. First and second doses should call 515-573-4107 to schedule appointments.


“The boosters are for individuals who self-report and feel that they have an immune compromised health condition,” said WCHD Director Kari Prescott. “If you are a healthy individual, the current guidance is that you should not need a booster at this time.”


Individuals receiving their booster shot should enter the WCHD parking area via the lot entrance near the 2nd Ave. S and S 8th St intersection. Staff will be on-site directing traffic.


WCHD will be utilizing vaccines that are currently on hand so a limited number of booster shots will be available on Wednesday. Additional vials of both Pfizer and Moderna have been ordered and will be utilized for future clinics.


“We want to continue to be good stewards of the vaccine,” said Prescott. “We don’t want to waste any doses. If you have an appointment scheduled, please keep your appointment or call us ahead of time.


Individuals are asked to bring their vaccine card showing first and second doses with them to Wednesday’s appointment. If possible, residents are asked to print and complete the consent form prior to Wednesday’s clinic. It is located at WebsterCountyIA.gov, click on COVID19. If that is not possible, forms will be available.


“If WCHD provided your vaccine, we will be able to validate your shot and personal information,” said Prescott. “If you did not receive your vaccine from WCHD, you are required to bring your vaccine card.”


Homebound residents who would be unable to attend a drive-thru clinic should call 515-573-4107.


Individuals who received their first and second doses at a WCHD mass clinic but are not from the Webster County area do not have to come to Fort Dodge for a booster shot. Vaccines are widely available now and these booster shots can be done local to the individual.

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