Webster County Sheriff Candidate Tony Walter Announces Plan For Mentoring Program

Sgt. Tony Walter from the Webster County Sheriff’s Office is a candidate in the November election for Webster County Sheriff. He has announced via social media, a plan for a mentoring program that would be implemented if he is elected. Walter has repeatedly said that community outreach is one of his main focal points as an officer and that he would make that a larger point of emphasis if elected. Below is the announcement from Walter.

I have always believed that there are many ways that Law Enforcement can help the citizens of our communities. One of my biggest goals is to have the Sheriff’s Office more involved in community outreach and positive community efforts, especially with our youth. I believe that community outreach is the best way to build and strengthen the relationship between Law Enforcement and all of the citizens that we serve. When that relationship and trust is established, it helps reduce and prevent crime because the citizens and Law Enforcement are working together!
Over the last couple of months I have been reaching out to Superintendents, Principals, School Board members, Teachers, County Supervisors, and other community leaders to speak about establishing a Mentorship program for the deputies and students. I am excited to say that I have received nothing but positive feedback from everyone that I have spoken to.
Dr. Terry Moehnke is one of many people I have spoken to and has been involved with countless outreach programs for our community. He has agreed to meet with me after the election to guide and give advice about this Mentorship program. I know his involvement along with several others will make this program a great success.
We are still in the early stages of developing the program and my current goal would be to pair deputies with a student from one of our schools throughout the county. This deputy would be able to reach out to the student periodically to speak to them about things such as school, sports, music and arts, concerns or troubles that the student may be going through, etc. The student would also be able to reach out to the deputy if they ever needed help or even just needed to have some to speak to. The deputy would be allotted time to spend with the student for positive activities such as skating, bowling, fishing, and any other interests of the student.
I firmly believe that this program could help change the lives of many people, and I feel the citizens deserve our greatest effort to help keep our communities an amazing place for everyone!
(photo credit: Mercedes White)

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