South Central Calhoun School District Superintendent  Brad Anderson sent out the following release regarding the allegations that players from their football team directed racial slurs towards players from Southeast Valley. The entire statement is below.

Since Saturday, September 26th administrators and coaches of the South Central Calhoun
Community School District have been actively investigating allegations of derogatory and racial
comments made by South Central Calhoun football players towards Southeast Valley football
players. During the course of the investigation the following information was obtained:
1) A written statement of allegations via Facebook by Heather Jondle Fisher
2) Verbal statements of allegations from SE Valley varsity football players, varsity football
coaches (including both verbal and written texts from coaches) and the District
3) Written statements regarding recollection of Friday’s game time events from the IAHSAA
crew chief official officiating the contest
4) Verbal and recorded individual statements from over 50+ SCC players, managers, chain crew
and students
5) Texts and Snapchat images between SCC and SE Valley football players and parents who
have been reaching out to one another with mutual respect and support
6) Verbal statements from SCC parents (via meeting w/players/parents and school authorities)
7) Verbal and written statements from SCC varsity football coaches
8) Verbal conversations with School Board Members

After carefully reviewing all investigative data, it was confirmed that South Central Calhoun
coaches, and school officials knew nothing of the allegations towards SE Valley football players until
Saturday morning via a Facebook post. In addition, evidence confirmed that conversations between
both SE Valley and South Central Calhoun football players took place during last Friday night’s high
school football contest. However, no substantiated evidence was provided to determine whether
racial slurs were part of these conversations. To determine these facts, collected data set out to
answer three questions: What was said? Who said it? To whom it was said? Based on data and
evidence collected none of these three questions could be answered with specific details related to the
accusations and without doubt.
The South Central Calhoun Community School District will continue to educate students, student
athletes and staff regarding racism, tolerance and injustice. The following actions are inclusive (but
not limited to) this continued education component:

A) A second joint meeting with SE Valley administration, coaches, AD’s with
invitations extended to House Representative Mike Sexton and House Representative
candidate Charles Clayton, proposed date of October 7th
B) Joint service project w/Stewart Memorial Community Hospital for October 10th
C) Equity/Racial training for SCC staff in Fort Dodge, IA on October 21st
D) Continued lessons and conversations infused into PK-12 lessons for students
throughout the school year
E) Engagement of national training for students and staff regarding diversity, tolerance,
racism and/or equity

Due to the lack of clarity of substantiated data, we consider this investigation closed. If new evidence
is provided we will review it and respond appropriately.

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